


林信宏 Hsin-Hon Lin

職稱 (Title):


Assistant Professor

最高學歷 (Education):

清華大學 生醫工程與環境科學系博士
Ph.D., National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan

聯絡方式 (TEL & Mail):

03 - 2118800 # 3015


研究領域 (Research Interest):

  1. 醫學物理 (Medical Physics)

  2. 粒子治療物理 (Particle Therapy Physics)

  3. 核醫影像與輻射劑量評估 (Nuclear Medicine Imaging & Dosimetry Evaluation)

  4. 深度學習應用 (Application of Deep learning)

實驗室網頁 (Lab Website):


所有發表期刊論文 (Journal Publication) :

  1. W.T. Hsiao, H.H. Lin, L.H. Lai (2021, Mar). Application of Visual Radiographic Analysis of Quality Grade of Table Eggs. Applied Sciences 11(6), 2815
  2. K.H. Lue, Y.F. Wu, H.H. Lin, T.C. Hsieh, S.H. Liu, S.C. Chan, Y.H. Chen (2021, Jan). Prognostic Value of Baseline Radiomic Features of 18F-FDG PET in Patients with Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma. Diagnostics, 11,36.
  3. Y.C. Liu, H.M. Chang, H.H. Lin, C.C. Lu, L.H. Lai (2020, Dec). Dosimetric Comparison of Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy, Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy and Hybrid Three Dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy/Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy Techniques for Right Breast Cancer. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9(12), 3884.
  4. C.C. Chiang, C.C. Chuang, Y.C. Ni, M.L. Jan, K.S. Chuang, H.H. Lin* (2020, Nov). Time of flight Dual Photon Emission Computed Tomography. Scientific Reports , 10(1), 1-13.
  5. C.C. Lu, H.H. Lin (equal first), C.H. Hsu, F.N. Wang, J.P., Lin, L.H. Lai (2020, Oct). Potential Use of Environmental Biological Samples for Retrospective Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Dosimetry of Radiation Accidents. Applied Sciences, 10(19), 6867.
  6. Y.F. Lin, P.H. Chen, H.H. Lin, P.W. Shueng, L.H. Lai (2020, Sep). An efficient treatment planning approach to reduce the critical organ dose in volumetric modulated arc therapy for synchronous bilateral breast cancer patients. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 174, 108957.
  7. Y.F. Lin, P.H. Chen, P.W. Shueng, H.H. Lin, L.H. Lai (2020, Aug). Evaluation of various head flexion angles in hippocampal-avoidance whole-brain radiotherapy using volumetric modulated arc therapy. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 173, 108884.
  8. C.C. Lu, F.N. Wang, H.H. Lin, C.H. Hsu, J.P. Lin, L.H. Lai (2020, Jul). Dosimetric Measurement of Testicular Dose for Colorectal Cancer using Optically-Stimulated Luminescent Dosimeters in Radiotherapy. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 172,108792.
  9. K.H. Lue, Y.F. Wu, S.H. Liu, T.C. Hsieh, K.S. Chuang, H.H. Lin*, Y.H. Chen* (2020, Mar) Intratumour heterogeneity assessed by 18F-FDG PET/CT predicts treatment response and survival outcomes in patients with Hodgkin lymphoma. Academic Radiology 7(8), e183-e192
  10. K.H. Lue, Y.F. Wu, S.H. Liu, T.C. Hsieh, K.S. Chuang, H.H. Lin*, Y.H. Chen* (2019, July) Prognostic Value of Pretreatment Radiomic Features of 18F-FDG PET in Patients With Hodgkin Lymphoma. Clinical Nuclear Medicine 44(10) e559-e565
  11. C.C. Chiang, H.H. Lin, Y.C. Ni, M.L. Jan, K.S. Chuang (2019, June) A noise smoothing origin ensembles algorithm based on local filtering. Phys Med Biol. 64(15); 155020
  12. Y.C. Liu, L.H. Lai, C.F. Wang, K.S. Chuang, C.C. Lu, J.P. Lin, H.H. Lin* (2018, August) Establishment of Conversion Coefficient of Whole Body Effective Dose by Human Tissue of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR). Radiation Physics and Chemistry 155;82-88
  13. H.H. Lin, S.L. Peng, J. Wu, T.Y. Shih, K.S. Chuang, C. T. Shih* (2017,May) A novel two-compartment model for calculating bone volume fractions and bone mineral densities from computed tomography images. IEEE Trans Medical Imaging 36(5);1094-105
  14. L.H. Lai, A.Y. Lo*, K.S. Chuang, H.H. Lin, Y.C. Liu, P.L. Liu, J. P. Lin (2017,Nov) Optically Stimulated Luminescence Radiation Response of Au/Al2O3 Phosphors Radiation Physics and Chemistry 140 ; 61-67
  15. L.H. Lai, K.S. Chuang, H.H. Lin, Y.C. Liu, C.W. Kuo, J. P. Lin* (2017,Nov) Comparison of intensity-modulated radiotherapy and volumetric-modulated arc therapy dose measurement for head and neck cancer using optical stimulated luminescence dosimeter Radiation Physics and Chemistry 140 ; 266-270
  16. C.C. Lu, S.L. Dong, H.H. Lin*, K. S. Chuang, Y.C. Ni, M.L. Jan (2017,Feb) Noninvasive measurement of radiopharmaceutical time–activity data using external thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) Phys Med Biol. 62(4); N58-72
  17. H.H. Lin, H.T. Chang, T.C. Chao, K.S. Chuang* (2017, Aug) A comparison of two prompt gamma imaging techniques with collimator-based cameras for range verification in proton therapy Radiation Physics and Chemistry 137 ; 144-150
  18. M.C. Lee, K.S Chuang, M.K. Chen, C.K. Liu, K.W. Lee, H.Y, Tsai, H.H. Lin* (2016, July) Fuzzy C-means clustering of magnetic resonance imaging on apparent diffusion coefficient maps for predicting nodal metastasis in head and neck cancer. Br J Radiol 89(1063), 20150059
  19. H.H. Lin, K.S. Chuang*, S.Y. Chen, M.L. Jan (2016, March) Recovering of the triple coincidences for non-pure positron emitters in preclinical PET. Phys Med Biol. 61(5); 1094-31
  20. C.S. Lin, H.H. Lin, Y.C. Ni, M.L. Jan, K.P. Lu, K.S. Chuang* (2016, February) Application of the Intraoperative Dual Photon Emission Tomography System in Sentinel Lymph Node Detection: A Simulation Study IEEE Trans Nucl Sci 63(1); 108-16
  21. C.C. Lu, H.H. Lin, K. S. Chuang*, Y.C. Ni, M.L. Jan (2014, November) Development and Validation of a Fast Voxel-Based Dose Evaluation System in Nuclear Medicine. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 104; 355-59
  22. H.H. Lin, K.S. Chuang*, Y.H. Lin, Y.C Ni, J. Wu, M.L. Jan (2014, October) Efficient simulation of voxelized phantom in GATE with embedded SimSET multiple photon history generator. Phys Med Biol. 59(20); 6231-50
  23. C.T. Shih, J. Wu*, H.H. Lin, S.J. Chang, K. S. Chuang (2014, August) A novel adaptive discrete cosine transform-domain filter for gap-inpainting of high resolution PET scanners. Medical Physics 41(8):082501
  24. K.H Lue, H.H Lin, C.H.K. Kao, H.J. Hsieh, S.H Liu, K.S. Chuang* (2014, January) A simple algorithm for subregional striatal uptake analysis with partial volume correction in dopaminergic PET imaging. Ann Nucl Med. 28( 1); 33-41
  25. K.S. Chuang*, C.C. Lu, H.H. Lin, S. L. Dong, H. J. Yang, C. T. Shih, C. H. Lin, W. J. Yao, Y.C. Ni, M. L. Jan, Chang, S.J (2014, January) Improvements on a Patient-specific Dose Estimation System in Nuclear Medicine Examination. Radiat Protect Dosim 158(1), 1-7
  26. C.S. Lin, K.S. Chuang*, H.H. Lin, W. J. Yao, M.L. Jan (2013, October) A hybrid scatter correction method combining SSS algorithm and the beam stopper method for 3-D PET. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci 60(5) 3410-3416
  27. H.H. Lin, K.S. Chuang*, CC Lu, YC Ni, ML Jan (2013, May), Use of Beam Stoppers to Correct Random and Scatter Coincidence in PET: A Monte Carlo Simulation. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A711 27–37
  28. K.S. Chuang*, H.H. Lin, J. Wu, M.L. Jan (2006, December) Optimisation of scatter correction based on the use of partially transparent beam stoppers in PET Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 569 175-179