


葉俊宏 Chun-Hung Yeh

職稱 (Title)


最高學歷 (Education)



聯絡方式 (TEL & Mail)

(03)2118800 #3838


研究領域 (Research Interest):

  • 磁振造影技術研發 (Advanced MRI Development)
  • 擴散磁振造影及神經微結構造影 (Diffusion MRI & Microstructure Imaging)
  • 腦結構及功能性神經網路 (Structural & Functional Neural Networks)
  • 醫學影像物理及分析 (Medical Imaging Physics & Image Analysis)
  • 臨床暨神經科學研究 (Clinical Neuroscience & Neuroimaging Research)

代表論文 (Research Interest):

  • Yeh CH, Tseng RY, Ni HC, Cocchi L, Chang JC, Hsu MY, Tu EN, Wu YY, Chou TL, Gau SSF, Lin HY, 2022. “White matter microstructural and morphometric alterations in autism: Implications for intellectual capabilities.” Molecular Autism. 13: 21.
    [IF=6.503; Rank=22/175 (87.71%)]
  • Zhang F, Daducci A, He Y, Schiavi S, Seguin C, Smith RE, Yeh CH, Zhao T, O’Donnell LJ, 2022. “Quantitative mapping of the brain’s structural connectivity using diffusion MRI tractography: A review.” NeuroImage; 249: 118870.
    [IF=7.400; Rank=2/14 (89.29%)]
  • Koh CL*, Yeh CH*, Liang X, Vidyasagar R, Seitz RJ, Nilsson M, Connelly A, Carey LM, 2021. “Structural connectivity remote from lesions correlates with somatosensory outcome post-stroke.” Stroke. 52: 2910-20.
    [IF=10.170; Rank=14/212 (93.63%)]
  • Yeh CH, Jones DK, Liang X, Descoteaux M, Connelly A, 2021. “Mapping structural connectivity using diffusion MRI: challenges and opportunities.” J Magn Reson Imaging. 53: 1666-1682.
    [IF=5.119; Rank=33/136 (76.10%)]
  • Yeh CH, Smith RE, Dhollander T, Calamante F, Connelly A, 2019. “Connectomes from streamlines tractography: assigning streamlines to brain parcellations is not trivial but highly consequential.” NeuroImage; 199: 160-71.
    [IF=5.902; Rank=1/14 (96.43%)]

所有發表期刊論文 (Journal Publication): Google Scholar; ORCID; ResearchGate
